Currently, almost every company has its website because it attracts new customers and helps with increasing profits from products or services. However, not all websites are well located in the research results. That is why the way of preparing good texts plays an important role. To ensure that a website will be highly located in the research results, it needs to be refined according to SEO. How to write such a text?

What are the SEO texts?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a process of website visibility improvement in the research results and traffic increase. One of the methods that are most commonly used is preparing SEO texts. They contain carefully chosen keywords and usually serve as the links to the sites that need to be promoted in a better way. This type of content is usually short and of high quality (although they do not belong to the group of the technical texts). The basic SEO texts are:

  • presell pages;
  • blog articles;
  • sponsored texts;
  • descriptions for the catalogs (you can read more in our glossary).

The SEO texts are created for website ranking improvement, but we cannot forget about their correctness. So how to write them correctly to get the expected results?

The choice of the proper keywords

The most important elements of each SEO text are the keywords that need to be chosen properly. Due to them, the website’s ranking in the research results improves.  The keywords, in other words, are phrases that we write in a search engine to find the websites in which we are interested. For example, it can be Rzeszow copywriting, a Japanese language course, or a translation agency. Particular online tools can help in choosing the proper keywords. It is also worth analyzing the competition’s websites, in order to check which phrases helped them with better positioning. The keywords should be located in a text in a way that makes them look natural. The frequent usage of the keywords makes the reading process more difficult and the content becomes worthless.

WordPassion – Copywriting Agency

The structure and length of the SEO texts

Although the keywords are very important, good SEO texts also contain other elements. The structure has equal value. Writing in accordance with SEO has several rules. To make the text more readable and allow easier search for needed information, the content has to include the title and headings.

You also need to remember about the paragraph division. It is worth using additional bullet points and links. To make the SEO text more attractive, you can add such elements as short videos, photos, or infographics. Its length should not be less than 1000 characters with spaces. Otherwise, it will have a low SEO value. Besides, the shorter content you create, it is more difficult to include all necessary keywords.

Correctness and uniqueness

Every text, regardless of its type, needs to be written correctly. That includes correct spelling, punctuation, and stylistics. A good copywriter always remembers about it, even when creating a simple text. It is also important that the SEO texts need to be unique. Duplicating content is not only related to plagiarism but also negatively affects a website’s position in search engines. Google algorithms can detect on which website the content appeared first and each subsequent text is recognized as not original.

How to write the SEO texts – for the algorithms or readers?

Often the SEO texts seem to be associated only with the content created for the search engine algorithm. However, similarly to the specialist articles, they should have a good value for the readers – evoke emotions and even solve problems. The SEO texts are written mainly for people. The content should be interesting and engaging, whereas the keywords are additional.

In order to create good SEO texts, you need to have proper knowledge and experience like our copywriting agency. Do you need substantive content that will improve your website’s search engine position? Contact us and see for yourself how we can help you.

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